Demo Student

Tagline:Ph.D. Student at University of Faculty Demo

Vancouver, BC, Canada

personal photo of Demo Student

About me

Numbers whisper their secrets not to everyone, but to me. I'm Student Demo, and in the geometric jungle of groups 🪢, I'm not just lost, I'm building the map.

It started with stars ✨, their constellations whispering patterns, begging to be deciphered. Geometry became my key, unlocking shapes both earthly and celestial. But groups, with their hidden symmetries and mind-bending twists, stole my heart ❤️.

Cayley graphs, quasi-isometries, curvature conditions - my playground! Every equation, is a brushstroke ️, revealing hidden connections. But my dreams reach beyond the abstract.

I want to sculpt reality with math, build materials stronger than stars, and unlock the brain's secrets with group-inspired algorithms. These are the equations I chase, the whispers that promise a future where math isn't just a language, it's a chisel ⚒️.

Of course, it's not all smooth sailing. Equations mock, walls close in, frustration bites. But then, a breakthrough, a whisper answered, and the labyrinth smiles.

My compass? Curiosity. My fuel? Puns in equations, metaphors in theorems ✨. Join me on this journey, where we'll whisper to geometries, sculpt with equations, and rewrite the impossible.

Who knows, maybe you'll hear the whispers too.

Skills Highlights

  • Research proficiency in developing algorithms for complex symplectic equations.
  • Advanced mathematical knowledge, particularly in abstract algebra, geometry, and theoretical physics.
  • Teaching and mentoring skills, demonstrated through her role as a teaching assistant.
  • Strong communication and presentation skills, both in academic and public settings.


  • Ph.D. at Group Theory

    from: 2021, until: present

    Field of study:MathmathicsSchool:University of Faculty DemoLocation:Vancouver, BC


    In my PhD course in Symplectic Topology Dynamics, each day is an immersive experience in advanced mathematics. Our classroom buzzes with intellectual energy, surrounded by walls adorned with complex equations and charts. Professors deliver intricate lectures on cutting-edge theories, interspersed with hands-on workshops for collaborative problem-solving. The air is thick with the thrill of discovery and academic rigor, often sparking lively debates and breakthroughs. This course is more than a learning journey; it’s an arena for growth, innovation, and exploration at the forefront of mathematical research.

    Key aspects of the course include:

    • Advanced lectures by leading experts in Symplectic Topology Dynamics.
    • Interactive workshops focusing on complex problem-solving.
    • A collaborative and intellectually stimulating environment.
    • Opportunities for engaging in groundbreaking research and debates.
    • A blend of theoretical learning and practical application.
  • demo demo

    from: 2018, until: 2021

    Field of study:demoSchool:demo

  • demo demo

    from: 2015, until: 2020

    Field of study:demoSchool:demo

Academic Experiences

  • Teaching Assistant

    from: 2019, until: present

    Organization:University of FacultyLocation:Vancouver, BC, Canada


    As a teaching assistant, I simplified complex mathematical concepts for undergraduates, provided individual support, and helped prepare lectures and grade assignments. This role enhanced my understanding of mathematics and developed my communication and educational skills, creating a supportive learning environment for students.

  • demo demo

    from: 2019, until: 2020


  • demo demo

    from: 2015, until: 2020

    Organization:demo Location:demo


  • By editing Wikipedia articles, pharmacy students can enhance the availability of high-quality information

    Journal ArticlePublisher:BMC Medical EducationDate:2023
    Author DemoArthor DemoJohn Demo
    • Role of pharmacy students in enhancing public access to accurate medicine information.
    • Importance of reliable health information accessibility in the digital age.
    • Methods for engaging pharmacy students in editing Wikipedia articles.
    • Impact of improved quality and reliability of medical information online.
    • Focus on the contribution of pharmacy students to public health knowledge.
  • New Publication

    Journal ArticleDate:2021
  • New Publication

    Journal ArticleDate:2018